Mesoamerican Migration Project
Furthering understanding of Mexican and Central American migration to the United States
The Mesoamerican Migration Project (MMP) is a continuation and expansion of the Mexican Migration Project which was created in 1982 by an interdisciplinary team of researchers to further our understanding of the complex process of Mexican migration to the United States. The Mesoamerican Migration Project collects and analyzes data on migration from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to the United States. The project is a binational research effort co-directed by David Lindstrom, professor of Sociology at Brown University, and Silvia Giorguli Saucedo and Jéssica Nájera Aguirre, professors of Demography at El Colegio de México.
The MMP's main focus is to gather social as well as economic information on Mexican and Central American migration to the United States. It is a unique source of data that enables researchers to track patterns and processes of migration, immigrant integration, and the consequences of migration for households and communities in places of origin. The data collected has been compiled in a comprehensive database that is available to the public free of charge for research and educational purposes through this web-site.
Project Aims
Collect survey data from households in migrant places of origin and in U.S. places of destination to describe and analyze the determinants and consequences of U.S. migration, including the prevalence and dynamics of new forms of migration that include women, children and families.
Broaden migration research to embrace both threat-based and opportunity-based movements, and develop and test new theoretical approaches to migration that consider threats to well-being that stem from crime, violence, and climate and weather-related events.
Make the data widely accessible to researchers in the U.S. and abroad for the study of Mexican and Central American migration to the United States.
Where are we located?
The MMP has offices, in Mexico, at the Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales (CEDUA) of El Colegio de México in Mexico City, and in the United States, at the Population Studies and Training Center (PSTC) of Brown University. To contact our offices in Mexico or the United States, please contact us at the following emails: